Biblical Affirmation
Francois Haasbroek

Francois Haasbroek

7 Ways to Build Your Family Through Your Words

We often find ourselves facing a multitude of challenges. The demands of daily life, the ever-increasing pace of the world, and the unique struggles that our children encounter can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed. Amid these challenges, it’s easy for one crucial aspect of being a dad to slip through the cracks – the power of affirmations.

CHALLENGE: Neglecting the Gift of Affirmation

The intentional act of speaking affirmations over our children can often take a backseat. The world bombards our young ones with countless messages. Without our positive and purposeful influence, they may struggle to develop a strong sense of identity, purpose, and faith. As dads, the challenge lies in recognising the importance of affirmations and actively incorporating them into our dad journey.

CHARGE: Unleashing God’s Blessings in Our Children’s Lives

The Bible teaches us about the transformative power of words. Proverbs 18:21 reminds us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” As dads, our words can have a profound impact. Speaking positive affirmations rooted in biblical truths not only fosters a sense of security and love but also aligns our children with the promises of God. Imagine the impact of your words echoing the Father’s love in your child’s heart, fortifying them against life’s challenges.

CONQUER: Practical Ways for a Dad to Affirm Your Kids

1. Sticky Notes on the Bathroom Mirror:

I began posting handwritten sticky notes on our kid’s bathroom mirror every Monday morning. Simple phrases like “You are loved,” “God has great plans for you,” or “You make us proud”. We have three kids, so sometimes it might be the same message to all three; other times, it is more focused on them individually, something I saw during the week.

2. Bedtime Blessings:

Take a few minutes before bedtime to share personalised blessings with each child. Reflect on their unique qualities and express gratitude for their presence. Incorporate biblical verses or prayers that reinforce their identity in Christ. This bedtime tradition strengthens your bond and instils security and love.

3. Affirmation Jar:

Create an affirmation jar filled with uplifting notes, compliments, and encouraging words. Encourage family members to contribute to the jar regularly. Take turns pulling out notes and reading them aloud during family meals or gatherings. This interactive and collaborative approach fosters a positive atmosphere and reinforces the importance of affirming one another.

4. Dedicated Quality Time:

Set aside specific quality time with each child. During these moments, they engage in activities they enjoy, whether playing a game, going for a walk, or sharing a hobby. Use this time to express your love, appreciation, and admiration for their unique qualities. Genuine affirmations and quality time create lasting memories and a sense of belonging.

5. Written Affirmations in Lunchboxes:

Slip handwritten notes of encouragement and love into your child’s lunchbox. These surprise affirmations serve as midday reminders that you are thinking of them. Include personalised messages, Bible verses, or even a simple joke to brighten their day and reinforce your love.

6. Family Devotional Time:

Integrate affirmations into your family devotional time. Choose passages from the Bible that emphasise God’s love, purpose, and blessings. Discuss these truths and encourage your children to share their thoughts and feelings. This intentional approach to spiritual growth creates a foundation for affirming their identity in Christ.

7. Celebrate Achievements, Big and Small:

Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s achievements, both big and small. Whether acing a test, completing a project, or demonstrating kindness, affirm their efforts and accomplishments. This practice boosts their self-esteem and communicates that their achievements are valued and recognised.

Remember, the key to effective affirmation is sincerity and consistency. Tailor your affirmations to reflect your child’s individuality, and always be genuine in your expressions of love and support. Incorporating these practical approaches into your daily life will create a nurturing environment where your children feel cherished and empowered.

PS. You can use these for your wife as well

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Biblical Affirmation

7 Ways to Build Your Family Through Your Words

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